Senior Osborne has matured to be an admiral individual

Osborne has interest in teaching secondary education; however he is keeping his options open. (Photo courtesy Ashley Cooper)

  Throughout high school, senior Rudy Osborne has grown in ways that many adults have yet to accomplish. He has a way of displaying his true character at all times, which is quite a reward for those who are around him.  “I don’t have the security in what I want to do and what I want to be, but I know what I stand for,” said Osborne. “I know that I have good morals. I don’t have to change who I am or act differently for other people.” Osborne has truly matured into an admirable wrestler and person as a whole. Although Osborne may not be aware of it, those around him stand in admiration of the person he has become. “I love to chant ‘Rudy, Rudy, Rudy’ at times to show him how proud of him I am,” said his mom and Sheridan High School math teacher, Erin Osborne. 

   One individual who has witnessed the personal growth of Osborne firsthand is coach Tyson Shatto, who currently stands in awe of the person that Osborne has become over the years.

    Osborne has faced definite hardships, but through these, he has always come out stronger. With such a big and kind heart, Osborne has had to work to generate the intimidation that comes with the sport of wrestling, and it is no secret that he has gained respect both on and off the mat. “He is just the same kid everywhere he goes, and that is what I love about him,” said Shatto. Shatto hopes that the authenticity in his personality stays as he continues to grow older and face new challenges in life. “I hope he just continues to be Rudy,” said Shatto. “He is such an awesome person with amazing qualities, and I hope he will be the successful person that I think he will be.” 

   After graduation, Osborne plans to pursue college but has yet to decide on a specific location; however, he has looked into carrying out his education with several schools, one of which being in Bozeman, Mont. Another path includes studying at the University of Wyoming. Before this year, Osborne had no interest in advancing his wrestling career to the college level. Now, he would heavily consider the concept if an offer presented itself. Careerwise, Osborne is currently interested, but not committed to teaching in secondary education. However, if he does take this path, his heart is set on teaching specifically at SHS.

   This year, Osborne played on the varsity football team and is also wrestling with a senior varsity spot on the team.  Osborne does not plan on continuing football after high school. One of his favorite experiences regarding football was being able to experience this year’s sophomores’ praise towards the seniors. Looking up to the seniors when he was an underclassman, Osborne has allowed the change of roles to increase his appreciation of  his teammates over the years. “Listening to all of the sophomores this year talk about how great all the senior leaders were this year, that was special to me because when I was a sophomore, I felt the same thing about those seniors,” said Osborne. “It just felt good to give back to the program what was given to me when I was younger.”

   Throughout his experiences in high school, Osborne’s advice to the junior varsity wrestlers is to always come to practice with a positive mindset. Being able to maintain this attitude towards this sport and life in general is what allowed Osborne to reach the level of success that he stands with today. “I used to go to practice dreading it, and I would watch the clock the whole time, just waiting until I could go home,” said Osborne. “This year, practices go by so fast because I have a better mentality, and I actually want to be there and get better, which has helped me a lot.” After wrestling for a total of thirteen years, this sport has also grown Osborne’s work ethic tremendously and enhanced his true morals.

   His family has also had a tremendous impact on Osborne. “They do a great job of keeping their kids grounded, focused, and working through adversity,” said Shatto. Osborne believes that his mom has truly influenced and motivated him to become the amazing person that he is known for, and she is someone that he looks up to. However, admiration goes both ways. “Rudy makes me want to be a better person,” said Erin Osborne. “He has a big heart for others and has never intentionally hurt another person. He sees the best in people.” 

   He is extremely thankful for his mom and everything she has done for him throughout his life. “She just has always been there for me,” said Osborne. “You know, I go home after a tough wrestling practice, and she has got food on the table, and she wakes me up in the mornings for practice. I just couldn’t do anything without her.” Not only is Osborne eternally grateful for his mom, but his coaches, both football and wrestling, who have had a great impact on his life including Shatto, Jeff Mowry,  and Scott Cleland.

    Osborne has traveled through his high school years with the encouraging words of basketball coach, Tim Notke: “Hard work beats talent when talent fails to work hard.” This specific quote is one of the influences that morphed Osborne into the person he is today.  “I have always thought about that quote whenever I am playing sports, especially because I have never been the most athletically gifted kid,” said Osborne. “I am not the fastest. I’m not the biggest. But, I find myself in situations where I can have better results than naturally talented kids, just because of the time that I have put in.”  Wrestling has hardened Osborne in such a positive way and has brought out his true character, which is a blessing to those who have gotten the pleasure to be around such a genuinely kind and phenomenal person. 

   Osborne is the son of Kenny and Erin Osborne.